Human Rights Policy

Toyota Industries Group Human Rights Policy

We, Toyota Industries Corporation and our subsidiaries, have constantly endeavored to make the earth a better place to live in and enrich society based on the Toyoda Precepts (Corporate Creed) and our Basic Philosophy since its founding.

We recognize that it is essential to respect the human rights of all people and comply with laws and regulations to continuously contribute to the harmonious and sustainable development of society and the earth through all corporate activities.

This policy ensures that we respect internationally recognized human rights based on the United
Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Toyota Industries Group regards this as its highest policy related to human rights.


1. Commitment to respect human rights

・We recognize that our corporate activities ranging from research, development, and procurement to the provision of products and services, may directly or indirectly affect human rights

・We respect internationally recognized human rights, including prohibition of forced labour and child labour, right to freely associate or not associate, and elimination of discrimination, expressed in the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We also support the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and strive to put them into practice.

・We comply with laws and regulations of each country and region where we conduct business.
We seek ways to respect internationally recognized human rights to the extent possible when laws and regulations of each country or region differ from internationally recognized human rights.
2. Scope

・This policy applies to all executives and employees of the Toyota Industries Group. We also expect all our business partners, including suppliers, to understand and support this policy

3. Human rights due diligence

・We establish and continuously implement a human rights due-diligence process to identify, prevent, mitigate negative impacts on human rights related to our corporate activities and account for how we address them based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

4. Correction and remediation

・We endeavor to correct and remedy any negative impact on human rights through appropriate means where we identify that we have caused or have been involved in such case. We also establish consultation service for individuals and communities who may have been adversely impacted.

5. Education and awareness-raising activity

・We conduct appropriate education and awareness raising activities to our executives and employees and strive to prevent negative impacts on human rights through the dissemination of this policy.
We also reflect this policy in related policies and necessary procedures to embed it throughout our corporate activities.

6. Monitoring and information disclosure

・We continuously monitor the status of compliance with this policy and make improvements as necessary. We also periodically disclose the status of initiatives related to human rights through our website, integrated report, and other communication tools

7. Dialogue with stakeholders

・We engage in dialogue and consultation with relevant stakeholders to identify negative impacts on human rights and address to them appropriately.